Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is it worth it to buy two copies of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?

one normal edition to play, and one collectors edition to keep new in box until/if it will be worth something in the future.

I will be playing on PC, but will a console version be worth more?

I've never done anything like this before (buying an item to save and sell later) but is it likely skyrim will be one of those games that you will see selling for thousands of dollars 15-20 years from now?

thanksIs it worth it to buy two copies of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?
look at the trend right now: have all any of the collector's editions for any mainstream game, let alone call of duty, been worth anything more than its retail?

if you want to collect rare games, look into atlus titles: catherine's "love is over" edition was made to order, so that might be worth something. p4's special edition is going for well over 100 right now.

short answer: mainstream games aren't worth squat in the future.
DON'T DO IT! the only reason old video games are kinda worth something is because they were the first and they were originals. but since then, there are soooooo many games and are way more advanced that in a few years, theyll be worth hardly anything. go to GameStop and look at the prices for GameBoy Advance games, Gamecube games, and original xbox games. theyre so darn cheap. right now it's only worth $150. in a a matter of years, a new Elder Scrolls will be out and nobody will really care about the previous title. In 20-30 years, it would be worth absolutely nothing. there's thousands of games coming out each year and theyre always bigger and better. Previous games are always getting cheaper; value always dropping.

like i said, the only reason certain games are worth a lot is because they were one of the first biggest hits to come out on one of the first systems.

and besides, it's an extra $90 for a statue and artbook. is it really worth it?Is it worth it to buy two copies of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?
I wouldn't consider it much of an investment. If you buy the collector's edition and never take it out of the box then maybe it will appreciate in value, but not by much. A lot of those old games are worth so much because owning a physical copy is the only way to play them. But with digital downloads that's not going to be the case with current games, you will be able to play Skyrim as long as the internet exists.
Absolutely not. Your collectors edition will retain its value for about 2 years then will slowly drop to about 20 bucks in the next 5 years. It's probably gonna be a good game but nothing you can make a profit on.. if you could everyone would do it.Is it worth it to buy two copies of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?
I think its worth it. Trust me rare games sell for a lot. Zelda Ocarina of Time is $200 to $400 online. I already know Skyrim will be one of those games.

PC costs just as much as console version.

And yes it will be one of those games by the looks of the trailer.
It's your money, do what you want. But I'm not going to buy two games that are the same when I'm just going to play one. I mean, it might not be worth something in the future, but then again, it might.
If u have extra money and a safe place to keep it, I guess there is nothing wrong with doing it.

Personally I wouldn't, but I'm not really the collector type.
If you have at least 20-40+ years to live then yes if you really want that extra 100. Otherwise no. Or you could use the cover as toilet paper!

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