Sunday, March 4, 2012

Elder Scrolls V skyrim how to examine items ?

I got problems with elder scrolls skyrim. How can i examine items in my inventory ? I got stuck at place where i have to examine gold claw and see the combination but how ? I press C then how can i move it ? please helpElder Scrolls V skyrim how to examine items ?
After pressing C to zoom in on the item, just left-click and drag the mouse to rotate it.
On PC, just go to your inventory til you have the item showing that you are interested in, then mouse your pointer over to the image of the item, left-click on it and drag it around.

The only tricky part is when you mouse over, making sure you don't accidentally point at any other items, as that will change what item you are viewing.Elder Scrolls V skyrim how to examine items ?
I just got past that point on my 360. Basically I just stayed on the same item until my Zoom command popped up. I'm not sure what it is for pc though...Try just to wait while looking at the item to see if an zoom commands show up.
Well on Xbox its moving the right stick so I'd assume on PC it would be moving the mouse and the scroll wheelElder Scrolls V skyrim how to examine items ?
Get Skyrim, Go to your nearest video game store, then you trade skyrim in for the pre-order of UMVC3. Voila!

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